Five Simple Ways You Can Get A Brand To Collaborate With You

By: Kendra Hardy

If you’re anything like me, you find yourself on social media wondering how influencers and brands secure these baller partnerships. Working at Worthy Women I've gotten plenty of noteworthy tips from big influencers that have sealed their own fate with big brands.

1. Build your own brand before chasing after a big brand partnership. Just like in a romantic relationship, you don’t want to be with a buster that doesn’t have their own ish together - same goes for businesses. Make sure you know your brand, what you stand for (what you won’t), and who your audience is before taking that next step.

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2. Go to events and introduce yourself to everyone. Drake has drilled into our heads that no new friends is a way of life but, he forgot that this theory doesn’t work in business. You never know where a simple hello could lead or when you’ll need to reach out down the road. Once you’re able to identify with people you can start cultivating those relationships that will work for you.

3. Make sure the partnership would benefit for both parties. Let’s be real, in 2017 no one is doing things out of the "goodness in their heart" anymore, remember that before you pitch an idea to a brand. Make sure you’re thinking and outlining reasons why this partnership would be a win-win, ride-or-die situation in your pitch.


4. Make it impossible for someone to say no. This is not the time to put your #WasteHisTime2017 scheme into action. Make your pitch short, sweet, and right to the point. People can feel ingenuity so, don’t use tricky language - be real. The faster they know what you’re asking for and what this partnership entails the quicker they’ll be able to determine if it is a fit.

5. Be easy to work with. Reputation is everything, yours should mirror what a pleasure you are to work with. However, don’t let your kindness be mistaken for weakness. If you feel like you’re being taken advantage of - get out. It’s okay to say no and ride off in the whip like Rihanna.


Kendra is an advertising major fresh out of Michigan State. She came to Worthy Women as an intern and has transitioned fabulously into working on the back end of all our social campaigns. She's a dual expert in Canva and Illustrator! And she's a master of Snapchat filters and Instagram taglines.

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